
Drumlamford Estate, which neighbours our site at Scotts Pods, has just opened some of its lochs for fishing. The lochs are all within a very short drive of the pods. So if you fancy landing a monster pike or perch then get in touch with Jarred. He runs the fishing on the estate and is keen to promote the estate lochs. Spend the night in one of our off-grid, self contained pods and fish till your gills explode. Below are 2 historical images from Loch Maberry, together with some stock images of pike.

We’ll up date these as we get new images of the monsters being caught. Jarred did stay that a 27lb beast has already been caught… So get your tackle out and get fishing. Jarred is waiting to hear from you.

Scotts Pods and Drumlamford Estate are separate. There is no public fishing available in Loch Drumlamford. Book your pod stay with us via this website and book your fishing with Jarred on or ring him on 07508 252906.

Good luck.